All My Ex’es Live in Texas…
“All my exes live in Texas, And Texas is a place I’d dearly love to be, but all my exes live in Texas, and that’s why I hang my hat in Tennessee” - George Strait
Thank you, George Strait, for the great lyrical phrase at the start of that tune! Sandi does, indeed, have a lot of exes in Texas. Not quite the types of exes you may think, though. There’s a different character to them. Since she lived in Texas for much of her teens and early twenties, she left behind a lot of exes that are still in Texas. For example, two of her exes in Texas are High Schools. She attended Huntsville HS as a freshman and sophomore and Temple HS as a junior and senior in high school. When she graduated from Temple High School, it became her last ex-high school. She met up with a few of her exes on our travels through Texas. Let’s introduce you to a few here: