The First Stop

Jacksonville, FL. Our first real stop on the trip. Well, our first real stop for more than a quick overnight. We’re here so that Sandi can visit her coworkers in the Jacksonville Field Office. Sandi’s work territory is the state of Florida so we’re beginning the trip with a pass through the main cities in Florida. First, since it’s farthest north, is Jacksonville.

Our campground here in Jacksonville is a city park - Huguenot Memorial Park. It was a nice enough campground located at the mouth of the St. Johns River across from a Naval Base and Naval Air Station. It’s not clear what the mission of the base is, but there were frequent flights of Navy helicopters coming and going. Also, lots of shipping up and down the channel into the Port of Jacksonville. It was an interesting spot and we were camped right on the water.

Most surprising was the proximity of the beach and a large rookery of seagulls. They. Were. NOISY! Fascinating as well. Words of caution to anyone who is afraid of birds or freaks out at Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds film - this is NOT your destination! See the video below….

While in Jacksonville, we enjoyed a great happy hour and dinner with Sandi’s coworkers Ashley, Bob, and Clay. Bob kept us entertained with soooo many great stories!

Next Stop: Orlando, FL


Last Goodbyes…for now


Introducing Driving Mrs. Sandi